How domesticate budgies ?

A budgies when it's born isn't very pretty, it's like that during 3 weeks when they are staying in the nest. They don't have any feather, they come when they are 1 or 2 weeks old.

At the beginning you must isolate it from the other budgies, and take it with you.
But after they become wonderfull.
this budgie (on left) is 2 weeks, it is isolate
for domestication.

His name is Felix

But when they are too young, budgies don't feed by themselves and don't eat birdseeds.

We give us batter of birdseed

When they are 3 or 4 weeks they can eat their birdseeds alone.
don't forget to heat them up of course, they get cold because their mum heats them up in the nest

Bibo's prensentation

Hello my name is bibo i'm jerome's companion, i leave with him everywhere he goes, when he goes to Rouen i go with him, last year i traveled on train in a little box, i didn't like it because i didn't move and everybody who looked at me was laughing.

This year Jerome transports me by car with him,it's more intimate and he can carry a bigger cage for me. And sometimes he lets me out of the cage free and i can fly in the car, it's so funny, and better than the train.

In this movie I play with Jerome and if you listen that I say "hey you are beautifull" but swishing !!

Who am i ???

Hello everybody !!

My name is Jérôme, Jejay for you I was born in wonderfull town of Rouen and I came in Lisieux for my studies.

I am 21 years old, what else ...

You will discover me in this blog, my hobbies, my friends, my familly and my budgerigars of course ...